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Conspiracy Theory 322 - Kerry and Bush at the same secret society

Ok. Are you ready for the true conspiracy theory. You know 23 and Illuminati. Maybe after all its true. Maybe after all we find out about it. I doubt that we will ever get really proof unless the Secret society is grabbing for too much power and it all becomes visible. You know the whole story.
I get ahead of my self. The current poll leader in the democratic party presidential nominee election is John Kerry. Well other then he looks like he is already dead it has been found out that he belongs to the secret society of Yale University. That is a proven fact in fact. This society is called Skullz and Bones . A society that acts completly in secrecy since 170 years. 15 members are allowed per year for a livetime membership and for those who are members its all doors open. Now you say bully little university club with rituals and nothing to say? Ok there are 800 living members of the society. The most prominent? Hold your chair grab something because you my favorite conspiracy theorist will pass out soon: The male Bush family going back to Prescott ol W. grandfather and George Mr. presidents father and ol George W. Bush, current president, himself.
Let me repeat that: Mr. George W. Bush is in the Skullz and Bones and the current democratic front runner John Kerry as well.
Now you want to know who else is in there? Time magazin founder, Newsweek Magazin Founder, Fox Television owner CIA top ranking officials, vice presidents. All those 800 members can be said to run the USA right now from every side, military, intelligence, and press coverage. I am a conspiracy theorist but this is not a theory anymore its out and its public. And if all goes as it does right now the press is beating down on Howard Dean, NOT a member of that society and instead saying Mr. Kerry is the nicest person on earth. You got me wondering, anyone else wondering? There is a statement from some Skullz and Bones members that for them it does not matter if Bush Jr or Kerry will win because they will all win anyway. Man why is this not frontcover in every press there is all over the world, especially when you see the other names of that society? Oh wait the press is owned by the society...

Read the links. it will illuminate your day.... spread the word this has to get out.

PS: the most secret room in the secret building of the secret society on yales ground, the room where they give out the membership in a very strange babaric ceremony, is room called room 322....

PS2: another link in to get you informed. this is the most comprehensiv but also the one that is on a domain that doubts its credibility. I like the democracy inteview best. Is short and gives good overview and seem "balanced" as balanced as you can be when a secret society is overtaking the USA (world?) and a very good indepth dutch documentary here: skullandbonespart1.ram skullandbonespart2.ram


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