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Klartext Video Release

Shortly before my vacation I finally finished a very personal nice project. Klartext the band that I VJ with and that prototypen promotes has taped all the concerts and rehearses of last year so I thought to put them together and cut em to de beat. This project got a little bigger then first thought and finally it has become a real "live video" to the life recording at Berlins Columbia Hall of their song "Feedback" complete with a nice little introduction. It portrays us 10 as we are in real life and on stage. It connect with the audience through the text of the song and the very strong pictures but all is real not a single shot in the video was taken for a music video in mind. The video recordings have been made by various people with different experiences at the camera. I had to fight with bad low light and blown out situations. The color version that exists on my harddrive somewhere looks really messy with even some "night shot" picture in between. In the end I decided to go the black and white route and I think it has payed off and looks a lot better this way. The integration with the introduction that has a little story in its own comes also through the use of only black and white with red - the corporate identity color of the band. I am very satisfied with the result. We digitized over 25 DV tapes for the movie and I put my attention to the little details of a full band year. I hope you find as much joy in it as everybody over here does.

KlartextFeedback2004_high.mp4 (30 MB / save as)


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