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Mr. Galloway, the new hero of truth?!

GeorgeGalloway.jpgI just have looked at the video recording of Mr. Galloway speaking out in front of the US senate commission that alleged him for misusing the food for oil program under Saddam Hussein - allegations that he has rebuffed two times before in front of a judiciary commission in the UK and in front of the public after the Christian Science Monitor had to pull back forged documents.
Now the US Senate is using the exact same "proof" that was dismissed as forgeries in the past to allege him again.
Mr. Galloway is one of the strongest opponents of the war against Iraq in the British government prompting him to leave the labour party in wake of the war and form his own party - just to be reelected this year. Next to Mr. Galloway there are 270 entries on this mysterious list of people who allegedly made personal gain from the oil for food program. Among them oil sheiks of United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia and numerous American oil traders. The senate committee hearing picked out Mr. Galloway and a russian and a french official to be on trial - not a single american citizen or the Saudi Prince where invited or alleged for fraudulent use of the program.
Now I believe Mr. Galloway all the way - because he has such a track record of beeing honest up front and what he had to tell the US Sentate and the world was the truth compressed in 20 minutes - not about himself but on the state the world is in under American Dictatorship - the truth about the "mother of all fog screens" as has called it.
He tells the committee leader right in the face what is happening out there and that this staged "trial" is one other puzzle piece to discredit opponents of what is going on in the middle east and around the world. He said it so clearly - with such a straight voice that the dumbest cowboy should have gotten it and he rebuked all allegations against him - as FOX news put it (yes right wing fox news!): It was a K.O. win against the senate committee and against the american government.
Now this speech has put him up to be one of the few very vocal trusted leaders against war, crimes against humanity and untruthfulness. He has put the american government and the american population supporting this government on trial.

See this historic speech at the information clearinghouse:


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