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Lakota Indians break free of the US - form their own state

2007_sept6_nite_blast.jpgIn my former times I lived in the US midwest for almost a year - namely South Dakota. The town I lived in was named "Custer" after the general who murdered about 80% of the local indigenous population. This town is also near Mount Rushmore the memorial of US presidents inside the heart of the holy land of the Lakota Indians called the Black Hills - even nearer is the much bigger monument of Crazy Horse - the last leader of the Dakota - who led them Canada to flee from the white murderers (the memorial has a very interesting story read at the link above). Forced to come back because of an unusual cold winter they had to sign treaties with the white giving up most of their land or face total eradication - by that time the US had already killed more native Americans then Germany ever killed Jews.

Now about 150 years later the descendants of the former great leaders of the Dakota Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse have unilateral withdrawn from the forced treaty and declared their land free from US rule. The claimed land spans parts of Wyoming, South Dakota, North Dakota and Montana. They are already vying for diplomatic ties with other countries.

The new country would issue its own passports and driving licences, and living there would be tax-free -- provided residents renounce their US citizenship, Means said.

That doesn´t mean that the US is just allowing it to happen - of course they have not ratified a UN treaty on indigenous right because it clashes with their own "laws" or better interest but nonetheless the Lakota territory in my experience was already a no go area for americans when I was there 13 years ago basically making it independent (most drove around the area - making 600 mile detour). The native Americans never really integrated themselves nor where they integrated by the US. The school I went to back then had not a single native American in its row and it was situated basically 20 miles outside of the territories.

I wish the the very charismatic people of the Lakota tribes big luck in their endeavor to become free after all that has been done to them in the past.

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