Trickbetrug 2.0 hier die Übeltäter:

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Wie ich 2 Einträge vorher berichtete wollen Emailbetrüger nen Freund von mir abziehn ich hab jetz deren Kontakt herausbekommen:

Many thanks for your responce.I feel relieved with your message.I Knew i could Count on you, I will appreciate whatever you can afford to send for me now and I promise to pay back your money as soon as i return home. Please i will want you to send the money via Western Union Money Transfer or Money Gram.The money should be send in the name of the Hotel Manager,he will help me to collect the money.Please send it to the following information:

Address: Eko hotel and suites, Room 074
State: Lagos
Country: Nigeria
Zip Code: 23401
Test Question: What For?
Test Answer: Bills.

Please you will need to email me the necessary sender info used in sending the money,This are the info you will need to email to me for the hotel manager to be able to cash the money here:
Sender Name:
Sender Address:
MTCN Control#:
Sender Country:
Amount Sent:

After I receive the money I will email you on the arrangements to get back home. Thanks once again and I await your response soon.

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