July 28, 2006

EN: Kalkin Revelation > Shooting Day 1

The first installment of Kalkin a SciFi themed Live Cinema "Film" is now in full production. We had our pretty successful first day of shooting today. More about Kalking:Revelation can be found on the Live Cinema Wiki (Community Portal>Story Development).
Here are some photos from the shooting:

KalkinRev_Tag1_1.jpg KalkinRev_Tag1_2.jpg

Posted by fALk at 12:08 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

July 19, 2006

EN: VJ Solu and Live Cinema

solu_pressfoto.jpgI just stumbled across a comment on this very blog from VJane Solu who I met first at AVIT UK 2005. She was playing the set just before me on the main stage and I was amazed and loved her visuals. She was definately one of my favorites (as I have written on my AVIT review) at the event. Her visuals were quite subtle maybe even a tiny bit sad and the general style was somehow close to the one I put up, I would even say she had more fine detail that my rough stuff is missing. Anyway she put a comment on here asking what the heck this blog is all about as she can´t read any german and what it has to do with Live Cinema and that she also developed a live cinema theory. I just had a brief look over at her website to check the introduction, sadly as the production approaches I could not get an indepth look but from what I read its a slightly different take on the Live Cinema - more closely database cinema - then my more montage oriented approach. I asked her for the full paper and after the production hope to put a review on here. For the time go check out her introductional part: http://www.solu.org/writings.html

Posted by fALk at 04:48 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

July 17, 2006

DE/EN: Schauspieler Gesucht / Actors callout

UPDATE: The Role for Big Fish has been filled, thanks for the interest. Die Rolle für Big Fish wurde vergeben, danke für Euer Interesse.

Deutsch (english below):

Für die Produktion der ersten Live Cinema Geschichte suchen wir noch einen wichtigen Nebendarsteller. Big Fish - ist ein Mentor Character höheren Alters - um die 70 (mehr Information unten im Character Profil). Der Dreh würde im Zeitraum vom 25. Juli bis 6 August stattfinden. Genaue Drehtermine werden in den nächsten Tagen bekanntgegeben, für diesen Character sind jedoch maximal drei Drehtage eingeplant. Der Dreh spielt sich hauptsächlich in Berlin ab. Reisekosten (in Absprache), Verpflegung und Unterkunft werden von der Produktion gestellt / getragen - ein Entgeld gibt es leider nicht. Wer sich angesprochen fühlt oder jemanden kennt der für diese Rolle in Frage kommen würde schreibt bitte eine email an: falk@prototypen.com.

Big Fish (Professor) Character Profil

Äußeres Erscheinungsbild
* Alter: 72
* Geschlecht: männlich
* Merkmale: heruntergekommen, unrasiert, verschlissen
* Haare: Graue Haare (ohne erkennbaren Haarschnitt).
* Kleider Stil: alte getragene Lederjacke - ansonsten praktische Sachen
* Schuhe: alte stark getragene Leder Dinger die entfernt an sandalen erinnern.
* Andere spezielle Merkmale:spirituelle Ketten und Talismen Ringe etc. Nano Finger Scanner
* Sichtbare Gadgets: tragbares electronisches microskop, magnetischer Stift der Nanobots einfangen kann.

Hat den Nobel Preis gewonnen und war vormals ein respektiertes Mitglied der Gesellschaft bis seine Frau durch einen tragischen Unfall im Rollstuhl landete. Wie alle Behinderten in dieser Zeit wurde auch sie von der Gesellschaft ausgestossen. Um dem Gefühl Nutzlos zu sein zu entkommen fing sie an drogen zu nehmen und verwahrloste zusehens bis zu ihrem frühen Tod. Big Fish versuchte mit ihr dabei die ganze Zeit mit seinen Nanotechnologieen zu helfen. Die Methode zur Heilung von Nervenschäden war jedoch nicht rechtzeitig fertig um seiner Frau zu helfen. Der Glauben an die bestehende Gesellschaftsordnung verließ ihn daraufhin und er schloss sich den "Rebellen" an die eine Teilung der Gesellschaft anstrebten. Nach der "Großen Teilung" verblieb er auf der freien Seite der Stadt ohne jede Regeln und mit naturnahem Leben. Mit seiner Technologie hilft er den Menschen zu überleben und sein Gewächshaus ist bekannt für einige seltene Spezialitäten.


* unnachsichtig mit sich selbst
* zeigt wenig emotionale Zuneigung zu anderen
* sinn für dunklen Humor
* introvertiert
* sehr geeky
* grummlich, schlecht gelaunt
* jähzornig, leicht aufbrausend

Ziele in seinem Leben
* fertig mit seinem Leben
* will Behinderten mit seiner Technologie helfen

Character Entwicklung
* entdeckt seinen rebellischen Geist wieder
* entwickelt dadurch einen Grund weiterzuleben
* öffnet sich emotional zu Ping und Azrael (die anderen beiden Charactere)


For the first Live Cinema Story wie are looking for an actor who can fill an important role in the plot. Big Fish is a mentor character around the age of 70 (more information below in the character profile). The shooting would be between 25th of July and 6th of August. Location is in and around Berlin. This character is assigned a minimum of three days of shooting exact dates are known in the coming days. Travel, food and accommodation is paid and arranged for by the production - no additional salary is given. If you feel like this could be you or you know someone who would be suitable for this offer drop us a line at falk@prototypen.com.

Big Fish (Professor) Character Profile

Physical Appearance
* Age: 72
* Sex: Male
* Features: Scruffy, unshaven, worn, dark toned wrinkled skin.
* Hair Style: grey scruffy
* Clothing Style: old worn leather jacket - practical, dark grey/brown/black
* Shoes: old worn self-made leather things
* Special Features: spiritual necklaces, talismans, rings etc. nano finger scanner
* Visible Gear: wearable electron microscope, magnetic pen that collects nanobots and analyzes them and programs them.

Won the Nobel prize, and was respected member of the (corporate) society. When his wife got into a wheelchair because of an accident she was considered an outcast as every disabled person started to get brandmarked at these times. She took drugs to overcome the feeling of being worthless, and disintegrated until an early death before the professor could finish developing a cure against the disintegration of the nervous system through nanobot-technology. Losing faith in the current social system he then joined the rebel movement which was the pre-cursor for the second great divide.


* harsh with himself
* shows no emotional affection to anyone
* dark sense of humour
* introverted
* very geeky
* grumpy
* fiery tempered

Goal In Life
* done with life
* wants to develop his technology and help disabled people

Character Development
* revives his rebel spirit and develops a reason to be alive
* opens up emotionally to Ping and Azrael as a father figure

Posted by fALk at 01:40 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

July 17, 2006

EN: Game Engine with Realtime Global Illumination, SubDs and Displacement

fantasylabgameengine.png It was just a matter of time - but noone really was expecting it so early. Fantasylab - a california based video game developing company has created a new game engine that features global illumination - in realtime. Why is this so significant? Well Global Illumination enables self glowing objects, softshadows and all kinds of other real world lightning effects and in the end would give a movie making application that sits on top of this game engine a very realistic output that - by judging from the pictures - gives you a quality that comes close to the first Pixar Toy Story Movie - in real time without a renderfarm. On top of GI this render engine can also handle subdivision models and displacement mapping to give the characters unpreceded detail in an realtime environment. The days of the overnight 3d renderers are counted I guess.

More Infos on their site:http://www.fantasylab.com/newPages/FantasyEngineFeatures.html

Posted by fALk at 10:07 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

July 12, 2006

DE: Theorie erwartet Kritik

Die theoretische Seite des Projekts ist in groben Zügen fertig. Bis auf tonnenweise Rechtschreibfehler und fehlende Bilder und genaue Referenzen ist sie inhaltlich komplett. Ich freue mich über jede konstruktive Kritik oder Ergänzungsvorschläge entweder hier oder im Wiki - falls sich irgendjemand gemüßigt fühlt sich die Textwüste anzutun.

Das Dokument befindet sich im LCR-Wiki:


Posted by fALk at 11:45 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

July 06, 2006

EN: The Art Of Musical Notations

gs_forandrea4_detail For Andrea section 4 Kerry John Andrews detail.jpgA little bit off-topic but still relevant I stumbled across a post on the BibliOdysseyblog that shows different attempts of new musical notation language in pretty pictures. Some are especially designed to play synesthetical and audiovisual pieces - pretty interesting.

Posted by fALk at 12:16 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack