March 30, 2006

EN: remix is active consumption not production

is a quote by from an article on danah boyd blog.
It is also the counterargument per se towards "copying is art". I am all for a free copy culture but I have always felt that a lot - even most - copying in the audiovisual domain has been done to take a cheap shortcut and run away from timeconsuming production. Yes there are some cool examples for the contrary I know and re:contextualisation is one concept of copy/remix culture that has its merit. Still I think to bring forward "art"culture there is no cheap shortcut and labour is involved. To make the point that remixing is active consumption amd that copy culture is active consumerism at its best there is a video on It explains in short the history and the current state of copyculture in the US.
The creative commons has also supplied a new platform to help the establishment of remix culture side called ccHost. You can see how it works on It basically helps share CC media for Ripping re:Mixing and Burning(uploading). I am planning on installing this php thingy on the prototypen servers soon under the livecinema banner and will activly publish parts of the upcoming project there. Maybe someone is mad enough to do a remix as active consumption. Details where and how will follow. Until then ccMixter is a welcome thingy. Now if my provider would allow more then 2MB file uploads.......

Posted by fALk at 08:39 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack